Youth House, 4 Ekpe Close, off sokoto street Area 1 Garki Abuja
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Education For African Children

A combination of laws, policies, and international agreements govern the rights of students and education all over the world including Nigeria. In Nigeria, the Universal Basic Education Act of 2004 makes it compulsory for primary and junior secondary Education to be provided free of charge in public schools. This then prompts the question: Why is there a substantial number of out-of-school children in Nigeria aged 6-15 years as indicated in the World Bank’s document “Nigerian Development Update June 2020”? A significant portion of these youngsters falls within the age range of compulsory and free primary and secondary education according to the Act and yet this age bracket has the highest number of out-of-school children in Nigeria. A 2022 UNESCO report Noted that approximately 20 million Nigerian individuals out of her approximately 200 million population are not enrolled in school, this number amounts to almost 20 percent of the Nigerian entire population. it is also worthy of note that this number of 20 percent is more than the overall population of many countries in Africa which is why YCED-NIGERIA has taken up the responsibility to engage in various activities and initiatives to promote and protect these rights through:

  1. Advocacy:
    By advocating for policies and legislations that support access to quality education and protect students' rights, lobby for adequate funding of education, and the implementation of relevant laws that will address the challenges being faced by education and access to free, fair, and quality education.
  2. Awareness campaigns:
    By raising awareness about the importance of education and students' rights within local communities, educational institutions, places of worship such as Churches and mosques, and any gathering where we have the opportunity to address the people. Offering training and workshops to educate teachers, students, educational administrators, parents, and the public on student rights, inclusivity, best practices in education, and how to assert these rights.
  3. Scholarships and support: By providing scholarships and financial aid to disadvantaged students to help them access and complete their Education. By also providing and donating educational materials to schools and students such as writing materials, uniforms, food flasks and water bottles, umbrellas, sandals and shoes, sportswear, etc.
  4. Legal Support:
    By providing legal assistance and guidance to students who face discrimination, harassment, or violations of their rights within educational institutions.
  5. Research and Documentations:
    Conduct research to identify major issues affecting access to education and student rights violations in local communities, documentation of cases of rights violations, and the usage of the data for advocacy and awareness campaigns.