Youth House, 4 Ekpe Close, off sokoto street Area 1 Garki Abuja
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Drug Abuse Awareness Campaign:

A report by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime in Nigeria indicates that 14.4% of people between the ages of 15 and 64 abuse drugs, that is an estimated 14.3 million people with the larger percentage being youths. Drug abuse is a significant social and public issue in Nigeria as it is in many parts of the world. Several factors contribute to the problem of drug abuse in Nigeria and despite the measures put in place to combat the issue; drug abuse remains a complex challenge in Nigeria. Addressing this issue requires a multi-prolonged approach that will involve prevention, education, enforcement, and treatment to tackle both the supply and demand sides of the issue; we require the collective effort of everyone to persist in the fight against the issue of drug abuse. YCED-NIGERIA in our unique manner contributes to the fight against this menace through:

  1. Campaign, Awareness, and Education:
    Continue awareness campaigns in universities, secondary schools, rural communities, and places of worship to educate the public especially young people about the dangers of drug abuse, its consequences on health, and the importance of making informed decisions. We do these by organizing Seminars, symposiums, conferences, school workshops, community outreach, public lectures, peer Education programs, etc. all geared towards educating young persons about the dangers of drug abuse.
  2. Prevention Programs/Community Engagement:
    By setting up programs in schools, communities, and workplaces designed to equip individuals with the knowledge and skills to resist peer pressure, and help make healthy and informed decisions. Engage with local communities to build a sense of ownership and responsibility in addressing the issues of drug abuse.
  3. Support for At-Risk Persons/Partnerships:
    By identifying and providing support for vulnerable groups such as Youths, individual persons with mental health issues, and those facing socioeconomic challenges who are more susceptible to drug abuse in our society and either referring them or taking them to treatment centers. Collaborate with government agencies, other NGOs, healthcare providers, and educational institutions to leverage resources and expertise, and collaborate with treatment centers and rehabilitation facilities to ensure that individuals struggling with addiction have access to effective and affordable treatment options.
  4. Advocacy and Crises Response:
    By advocating for stronger drug control policies, regulations, and enforcement measures at both local and National levels to reduce the availability and demand for illicit substances in our communities. We are also available to respond to certain emergencies related to drug abuse such as cases of overdose by providing instant assistance and or interventions.
  5. Research, Data collection, public policy recommendation, counseling, and helplines:
    By conducting research and collecting data on drug abuse patterns, demographics, and trends to inform evidence-based interventions, recommendations, and policies to address the root causes of drug abuse and addiction. By establishing helplines and counseling services to provide confidential support and guidance to groups, individuals, and families affected by drug abuse.